Pathaways Compilation 2012-2016 by Immortal Ebt
Pathaways Compilation 2012-2016 by Immortal Ebt First review and shit, I mean did you think I was going to do fooking Bluegrass Guitar Music Reviews??!?!? That is a ruse and you were drawn in by the intellectual nature of two finger plucked guitar snobbery. So more fool you this blog is dedicated to ramblings about Bandcamp releases so expect poor humour, poor grammar and poor quark like charm in ASCII. So my Bandcamp recommendation email took me all the way back to October the 5th 2016, Is that what you think I want Bandcamp? Epic games is dribbling at the stock exchange. The review... Immortal Ebt are one of those bands that dont actually exist and I love and admire that due to my own failing in forming friends and relationships I could assemble as a band, sincere Belarus music for a new generation of Putin supporting bois and goiles direct from the bedrooms of the missile bunker. I couldn't find a single interview or reference through Google that didnt highlight that this musi